Ways to pay
Your rent is due on the 1st of each month. This is laid out in the terms of your tenancy agreement.
There are a number of ways to pay your rent
Take the worry out of remembering when rent is due. You can pay weekly, fortnightly, 4 weekly or monthly by Direct Debit. Direct debit is an easy and convenient way of paying your rent and it takes 5 minutes to set up over the phone. Just contact us on 01224 423000.
All tenants are issued with an Allpay Card. You can use this card to pay your rent at any PayPoint, post office or online at allpay.net. Don’t worry if you’ve lost your card, contact us on 01224 423000 and we will order you a new one.
You can now pay your rent using your debit or credit card through the Recurring Payments option on Allpay.
You can pay your rent or set up a payment plan. Payments are made at a frequency of your choosing.
We agree a date with you, and we will use the Allpay Rent Card Company to charge your credit/debit card on that date for however long you wish. It’s the same way we currently take a manual payment from you but the process is automatic.
To set this up please contact your Rent Management Officer or ask our Customer Service Team to do it for you. Please call 01224 423000 or email rent@langstane-ha.co.uk
You can pay over the counter at our Aberdeen or Elgin offices. We accept cash, cheques and debit or credit cards.
For office opening hours please check the main page of the website
You can phone us on 01224 423000 between 9 – 5 Monday to Friday and pay by any debit or credit card. All you need is your name and address and we can do the rest.
If you are not working or on a low income you may be entitled to Universal Credit or Housing Benefit for all or part of your rent. You do not have to be unemployed to make a claim . Our Housing Staff will be able to advise you about claiming this. For further information on this contact us on 01224 423 000 or the relevant agency:
To make a claim for Housing Benfit contact your Local Authority form the list below:
Aberdeen City – 03000 200 292
Aberdeenshire – 03456 081 200
Moray Council – 01343 563 456