Tenant Scrutiny Group

Scrutiny Group May Without Kim

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The scrutiny group works in partnership with Langstane staff and Board of Management to help measure our service delivery against the outcomes and standard of the Scottish Social Housing Charter (SSHC).

The group formed in 2023 and has completed various training sessions with the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS) Scotland and Lesley Baird consultants to prepare them for scrutiny projects. In 2025 the group will undertake their first scrutiny project.

The group’s message to other tenants is that they are working to improve all services for tenants and they welcome anyone who would like to get involved.  

Function of the scrutiny group

To scrutinise service delivery and performance, and to work with Langstane Housing Association to drive forward improvements

To assess value for money and the effectiveness of services

To raise the profile of the group and promote opportunities for tenants to get involved

To assess and improve performance against the Scottish Social Housing Charter outputs

Our tenant scrutineers meet regularly throughout the year and are provided with necessary training and support.  Langstane provides all expenses, so no members are out of pocket or experience any barriers to participating in the group’s activities.

What is scrutiny?

"Housing providers have been involving and consulting with their tenants for many years. As a result of the introduction of the Charter, they are increasingly going further by giving tenants and other customers formal opportunities to analyse and challenge their performance and decision making through tenant scrutiny. The aim of scrutiny is to improve organisational performance and the quality and standard of services that landlords provide for their tenants. Successful organisations share a common way of working: they know, understand and respond to their current and future customers.

They do this by developing approaches and mechanisms to engage with service users and involve them in decisions about their homes and the services they receive. Through scrutiny, tenants and other customers can make a substantial contribution to services and standards and the assessment of their landlord’s performance."

Source: Guide to Successful Tenant Participation: Scottish Government (2019)

What are the benefits of tenant’s engaging in scrutiny activities?

• Supports the efforts of involved tenants among the wider tenant body and helps them to gather feedback on tenants’ needs and aspirations;

• Collects and analyses a range of performance information and feedback from different sources;

• Evaluates the effectiveness of relationships with third parties, such as contractors and other local service providers; and

• Develops the skills, capacity and knowledge of individual tenants and other customers involved in scrutiny.

Source: Developing effective tenant scrutiny A practice guide for landlords and tenants: Scottish Government, CIH and HouseMark (2017)

How do I get involved?

To learn more about how to get involved in scrutiny or in tenant participation in general please contact, Samantha, our Customer Participation Officer on the contact information below.

Email: samantha.hough@langstane-ha.co.uk

Mobile: 07801078011

Direct Dial: 01224 423120

Main office: 01224 423000

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Langstane/

Who is currently in the group?

Our group is currently informal, and our members include:

R Boyle

K Rennie

B Lamb

C Napoli

K Hutchens

S Cunliffe

R Blackwood

K Payne

File Description File Size
Scrutiny Partnership Agreement PDF icon 176KB