Report an abandoned property

Sometimes tenants leave their properties without informing us, which can result in a property becoming vacant and can attract anti-social behaviour. The loss of rental income can impact the services we supply and result in longer wait times for people looking for a home.

Often neighbours are the first to know, if you suspect that a property might be abandoned or sublet to another person without permission please complete this form.

Information will be treated in strictest confidence and allow us to investigate.

Please report the following:

  • Tenant(s) who have moved away.
  • Tenant(s) not living in the property.
  • Property occupied by others who are not the tenant, such as friends or family.
  • Property being illegally sublet.

Abandoned property report form

* an asterisk next to a field means it is a required field

Information will be treated in strictest confidence and allow us to investigate any abandoned property or vehicle