Classes of Information

The Information that we make available to you 

Under the Model Publications Scheme, the information we provide must be listed under certain “classes” of information.   These are the categories of information that are detailed below. As Freedom of Information applies to other bodies and sectors across Scotland – such as Scottish Government and Councils for example –this means that not all of the categories in the MPS apply to housing associations/co-operatives.    

The details of all the information we hold under each of the classes that apply to our organisation, and hyperlinks to access this information when available online, are outlined below.

Class 1: About Langstane Housing Association

Description of who we are:

Location and opening arrangements:

Customer Care Charter

Information relating to Freedom of Information

About our Governing Body

About Our Staff

Governance Documents and Corporate Policies

Relationship with Regulators

Group Details

Key Partnerships

  • Strategic agreements with other organisations - Available upon request

Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services

How to use our services

Policies and Procedures

Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided

Governing Body Meetings

Tenant Participation Strategy

Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our accounts and budgets

  • Description of funding sources - Available on request

Audited accounts

  • Budget policies and procedures - Available on request
  • Budget allocation to key service areas - Available on request
  • Our programme of work and projects - Available on request
  • Brief details of any project funding and how it’s being spent - Available on request
  • Capital works programme/plans information (annual programme figure) - Available on request

Spending relating to Staff and Governing Body

Class 5: How we manage our resources

Human resources

Human resources policies, covering:

  • Recruitment Policy
  • Performance management - Available on Request
  • Salary and grading
  • Promotion - Available on Request
  • Pensions
  • Discipline - Available on Request
  • Grievance - Available on Request
  • Staff development - Available on Request
  • Maintenance and retention of staff records
  • Trade Union information - Langstane Housing Association and Unite the Union have a Memorandum of Understanding. - Available on Request
  • Summary of professional organisations/trade bodies of which we are a member - Available on Request

Physical Resources

  • Management of our land and property assets, including environmental/sustainability reports - Available on Request
  • General description of our land and property holdings - Available on Request
  • Estate development plans (We don’t have specific plans for this but please see our Asset Management Strategy for property related information)

Information Resources

Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers
Class 7: How we are performing
  • ARC report to tenants (please note that our annual report and ARC report to tenants is a joint document)
  • Performance Standards/indicators - Available on request
  • Benchmarking information - Available on request
  • Complaints policy, customer leaflet and web-form
  • Complaints reports or equivalent to show how complaints are handled and influence service delivery - Available on request
Class 8: Our commercial publications

This class does not apply to Langstane Housing Association Ltd. as we do not produce any publications for sale.

Class 9: Our open data

This class does not apply to Langstane Housing Association Ltd.